

4 Key Considerations for Interior Office Design Projects

Office interior design can seem daunting. You may have a literal blank slate when you move into a new space, or you may have an interior in need of a refresh. Either way, the task of considering the design implications of everything from the ceiling to the carpet is a big job, there’s no doubt about it. However, when you take the time to think about the following office design considerations, it will make working with your interior designer and architect a much smoother process, and you’ll end up with an office space that is functional and inspiring.

1: What are your primary goals of the office space?

Beach Energy Office Design Project

As you consider your office design layout, it is also a great opportunity to think about how you want your office to function. If you have an existing team think about their needs and their personalities. Will they benefit from an open-plan space where collaboration and working together will be encouraged and optimised? Or does the nature or level of confidentiality in your work require independent private spaces?

Where are your staff at in their lives? Are they working flexible hours to be able to pick their kids up from school, or are they job sharing and hot-desking to work part-time while they take care of a sick partner or parent?

If you’re still building a new team to fill your new office space, then consider your dreams for the future of your business. Do you want your office to be a fun place to be with comfortable chill out areas? Or do you want to create the impression of opulence and power to help you impress and win new clients when they visit?

2: Is the design going to reflect your brand and values?

4 Key Considerations for Interior Office Design Projects

Regardless of the age of your business, you should have clearly defined branding and values and it is important that your office space reflects these. A cohesive reflection of your brand and values in your office space sets the tone of your business from the moment someone sets foot on your premises. If you want to reflect a laidback and cool atmosphere in your business, your clients will pick up on this through your office interior design, and it can help put them at ease. If you want to create a modern, sleek and corporate business, these values will help inform your staff on their attire and behaviour when on company time.

3: Plan for future growth

4 Key Considerations for Interior Office Design Projects

It’s time to go back to your business plan again and look at where you want to be in the next five to ten years. Do you want to grow your team locally and need an office design layout that will grow with them? Or do you hope to expand interstate or internationally, and want to create an interior design style which will translate to your other premises?

4: Establish a budget

Beach Energy Office Design Project

While no one likes to be constrained by it, every design project has a budget. It is important to be as honest and detailed as possible about your budget from the beginning. When you work with Burgtec you are working with experienced project managers. We are used to working with budgets big and small and know that while good design is priceless, local materials and Australian manufacturing allows for a custom build and custom quote that you can afford.